Sunday, November 23, 2008

Snow, Ear Infections, and Sleepless Nights

This last week has been an adventure for us. Monday we had our first real snowfall. So much fun. Can you feel the excitement? I have a feeling this is going to be a long cold winter. Which is great since I can't keep a hat OR coat on Carleigh.

Carleigh was a sick little chicken this week. She had a 103 fever on Wednesday, which I was able to get down pretty quickly with Motrin and Popsicles. So, Thursday we had a "well" baby visit which quickly turned into a "sick" baby visit. She has a double ear infection and a very very bad cold. Poor thing- she can hardly breathe and is SOOO irritable. She hasn't sleep more than an hour at a time all week, so it has been rough for us. I quickly discovered the only way she could sleep was sitting up, so we slept sitting up on the couch from Tuesday night until last night. 3 days of antibiotics later and she is almost back to normal, praise God!

On other news, Andy is coaching football again. His team made it to the finals and had to play a REALLY good team yesterday to move to the regionals. They were not able to pull out a win, but is the first time they have made it this far! Go BlueJays! We are very proud of the boys for making this far, even though the road to a championship ended yesterday.

I am super excited for Thanksgiving this week. One, for the short work week and two, for Miss Chicken to have all the yummy food!

I have a TON of pics to upload; hopefully I will get a chance over vacation.

By the way, I have started organizing Carleigh's first birthday party. Our theme will be Wizard of Oz. Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions for decorations or party favors? Send them my way!

I am not sure if I have mentioned it before, but I have a couple of side businesses. "Useless Bikinis" is a company my sweet friend Vicki and I started over the summer. We make custom bikinis to your exact measurements and whatever fabric/appliques you would like. Go to to check us out. Another thing I have started doing is homemade body scrubs. If anyone is interested email me through here and I will get you samples/orders whatever you want. I can do any scent you would like. I have a vanilla sugar one that is fabulous! :)

1 comment:

The Murphy's said...

Your still coming for Christmas right?!??