Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkeys, Toilets, Torn Eyeballs, OH MY!

What a week. Thanksgiving went wonderfully. Carleigh loved EVERYTHING. I was not surprised. She is a fabulous eater, she will try anything. Her favorite by far was yams. Can't blame her- she is my daughter. She had a great time playing with her cousins at my mother-in-laws house. Then we went to my mom's house. That is where the homemade-from-scratch-best-in-the-world banana pudding was. She is truly my daughter, she was literally trying to rip the bowl out of my hands to get more. I see now that I ( aka Grammy) will be making this often.

The day after was hell. I woke up around 3 am feeling SICK. I thought I must've eaten too much, it will pass. Well, it passed all right. All morning, all day, all afternoon. I will spare everyone the details, but if you have ever had the stomach bug, you know exactly what I went through. My mom, bless her heart, took Carleigh for the day/night. Praise the Lord, because I would have never made it. I didn't get out of bed until Saturday morning. I think I would rather go through childbirth again than to ever be sick like that. I prayed with all my might that Carleigh would not get it, and so far so good. Andy got a touch of it, but no where near what I experienced. I think I have lost 10 pounds, easy.

During this whole duration, I noticed my eye was looking funny. I didn't think anything of it, just maybe it was irritated. Well, it continued to get worse and worse and this morning was swollen and BRUISED. Like someone had punched me. And it was pouring tears and hurt. So, off to Urgent Care I go on my lunch. I have a torn eyeball. And it is infected. How in the world??? I am telling you- if it is weird, it happens to me. Never fails. I will get the strangest things you have ever heard at the worst times. Example??? 3 days before my wedding, my tooth started hurting. BAD. Within hours it looked like a golfball was stuffed in my cheek. Not kidding. 2 hours later and x-rays galore, it was infected. Seems a microscopic piece of food had lodged itself it and just festered. The only way to get the swelling down was to drain it. Yup, you heard it right, DRAIN IT. Not fun, but the swelling went down in time for the vows and thanks to antibiotics was completely better by our honeymoon. What are the odds???
So, back to the eye. I now have antibiotic drops and it should be better by the end of the week.

Can you believe my baby is almost TEN months old? Can someone please stop time? She is growing so fast! She has figured how to climb. She pushes her lion (walker behind thingy) up to the couch and CLIMBS up it. This child will make me completely grey before 30, I just know it. She is such a daredevil and scared of nothing. She is on the verge of walking. If she is really excited about something and not paying attention, she will take a couple of steps on her own. But, as soon as she notices, she will fall. She also started saying MAMA this weekend. She has said it occasionally, but she has said it for 3 straight days now. It brought tears to my eyes. I have waited so long for her to say it to me. She says DADA and DOG all the time, so this has really made my day.

We are leaving on the 26th to head for the warmth! Mississippi! We are going for 10 days to visit my family and friends. I can't wait. Carleigh and I haven't gone since May!

I have two goals set for this weekend. One, is to get my Christmas tree up. I have opted this year to only put my small table top one up. I can just picture little stinker pulling the big one down on top of her. Next year we will put up the big one, when she understands a little better. My second goal is to take Carleigh to see Santa. I wonder if she will love him like I did? I hope she isn't scared of him! We were going to go this past Friday, but if you recall, Momma was not up to the challenge of even getting out of bed. I will be sure to post pictures and her and Santa.

These are pics from Thanksgiving. I love the one with the horse in her mouth. We are getting new teeth, so everything it seems is in her mouth.


peacepoppinpeep said...

Cool blog! I love your theme and adorable babies. CUTE!

Welcome to the Shit Show! said...

Shelley! You've had one heck of a week!! Bless your heart. We will be here while you're in town so let's definitely go eat at the Mexican Kitchen!! I can't wait to see sweet Carleigh in person (and you too!) :) I want to get my tree up this week, too. We don't have a small one, so the big one is going in the corner of the living room. I just HOPE that Mackenzie won't bother it too much. It seems as though everyone else around here has had their Christmas decorations up for about a month now. So I'm way behind. Oh well. Have a great week! Hope you're feeling lots better!!

Bo, Tori, and Brayden said...

hey shelley! i didn't know you had a blog! i'll have to check back more often! carleigh is precious!

Jenny said...

i didn't know you had a blog!!! i love looking at pictures of carleigh, and now i can keep up better=) i hope your eyeball is better and that you're through with that nasty stomach bug. i had it recently too, and it's horrible!!

glad to see you blogging--finally!!!!=)