Monday, November 17, 2008

It is more difficult than I first figured to go all the way back to 9 months ago and archive Carleigh's life. I have made the decision to skip to month 8 and go from there. I could copy straight from my baby book, but lets be honest. All that consists of is post-it notes EVERYWHERE! I will make note of her achievements though...

Carleigh cut her first tooth on August 1st and crawled on August 12th- her 6 month birthday. She is now cruising and can take a couple of steps every now and then on her own.

We now have 4 teeth and a habit of biting her mother. She loves to dance. I will have to post a video of it. She also likes to prop her feet up on her high chair during meals.

Her favorite foods now are macaroni and cheese, bananas, Dora yogurt, avocado, Cheerios. She eats everything and then cries when it is gone. We have her 9 month appointment this Thursday, so we will see what she weighs. We went a month ago for a cold, and she weighed 18 pounds- she is a chunk!

She has two favorite things- her stuffed Mickey Mouse and her puppy, Lucy. She will point at Lucy and say "Doh-Doh". Of course, Lucy loves her and thinks she should be licked and kissed often. Lucy has finally adjusted to not being the baby anymore. I think she has realized that Carleigh is here to stay.

Carleigh LOVES mirrors. Anything where she can see her reflection, watch out! Her grandpa says she is not conceited, she is convinced! :)

She is getting better with talking. Like I said before, she says doh for dog, dada, mama, and a WHOLE lot of jibber jabber that reminds me of the dad from the movie The Christmas Story. Remember when the dogs eat the turkey and he yells at them and you can't understand what he is saying? That is exactly what Carleigh sounds like. Also, we have a huge framed picture of her on the wall, and if you ask her where the baby is, she will point to it and laugh and wave. So cute.

We have had a lot of trouble the past 5 weeks with her sleeping thru the night. She has slept thru the night since she was 5 weeks old, so this has been a rude awakening- literally. I am not sure I can handle letting her "cry it out". That seems to be the suggestion I get from everywhere though. I went today and bought a sound machine. Wish us luck. I think she is just so darned excited about walking/talking/eating that she can't just lay there. I will say this for the sound machine- I used it tonight for the first time and she was out like a light alot sooner than usual.

If anyone has any suggestions for a good nights sleep, feel free to let me know. Oh, also, did/does anyone have problems when it comes to dressing/undressing/diapering? She will NOT be still to change her diaper or clothes. Is this a stage? She is freakishly strong and is able to easily get away from me....

I will post pics from her Olan Mills photo shoot, and some random ones from the past couple of months....

1 comment:

James, Paige, and Taylor Wamble said...

Carleigh is such a doll!! She is growing so fast!!
We had trouble with Taylor sleeping through the night around the 4 month mark.. BUT we did get through it! The ONLY advice we were given was to "stick it out" and "cry it out". WEll, after the third night... IT DOES WORK!!!! One of my friends told me to start a routine and to NEVER swap it up. Bottle, bath, bed... and Taylor STILL has to be on that routine.. minus the bottle!! ha. She automatically knows that after bath it is time to SLEEP!! Good Luck!! I know it is tough.. but she will get through it!!