Tuesday, February 17, 2009

1 Year Stats and Developments

Carleigh had her one year well-baby visit on her birthday, Feb. 12th. NO- I did not make her get her shots that day, she goes back this week for those... My mom, step-dad and myself all took Carleigh out for lunch at one of our favorite places, TV Deli and Diner. I had their delicious burger and Carleigh had grilled cheese, french fries, chicken noodle soup, and for dessert she enjoyed White Chocolate and Banana Bread Pudding with Whipped Creme and Cinnamon sprinkled on top. I tell you, my girl LOVES food! She gets it honestly from her mama!
After lunch we went to the doc. Carleigh is now 21 pounds and 3 ounces and 29 inches tall. She is in the 50% range for both. She has been in the 50% since she was born. The doctor was very pleased with her accomplishments and developments. She now says mama, dada, doh (dog), kiki (kitty) bobo (baby) and topf (stop). She hears me fussing at Lucy all the time, telling her to stop barking, so she has picked that up. When Lucy starts barking, Carleigh will go over to her and put her hand up and say "Topf!". Too cute.
She started officially walking the 2nd week of January and has not stopped. No more crawling for her!
Her favorite foods are:
Seriously, this child can eat! She really likes: cheese, yogurt, fishsticks, cheeseburgers, carrots, apples, pasta, grilled cheese, soups (especially broccoli and cheese), rice krispies, oranges, pineapple, oatmeal creme pies, cheese puffs, vegetable thins crackers, spaghetti-ohs, lasagna, sweet tea, root beer (shhhhh!) pancakes, muffins, anything BUT EGGS! I cannot get her to eat eggs at all. I can't blame her though, I hate eggs myself. We are off formula (Hallelujah!) and on whole milk. She has done very well with the switch.
I know I have mentioned this before, but she LOVES Minnie Mouse. And baby dolls. She recently figured out how to rock her babies in their bassinet. So cute. She tries to carry ALL of her Minnie's at the same time and gets very upset when she drops one. She also loves her books. She goes to get them and brings them to me or her daddy and then turns around so you will pick her up to sit on your lap. Her favorite is the Minnie Mouse breakfast one.
She loves to get her hair "done" every morning. She will come to the bathroom with me and wait for me to "dry" her hair and pull it up.
We have only 4 teeth still, but with 2 more top ones coming through any day now. I wish they would hurry up!
That is about it for now, I will try to get more birthday party pics up soon.... Have a great day!

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